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Mailchimp Partner Toolkit Beta

Logging In

You will receive an email from with the Subject Line Reset your Mailchimp Partner Toolkit Password.   Please take the steps below to gain access to the beta experience:

  1. In the email click the link to reset your password

  2. You will be taken to a page to reset your password.

  3. Create a new password and click "Change password".

  4.  You will automatically be redirected to the Mailchimp Partner Toolkit Portal.

  5. Once you have reset your password, you can access the Mailchimp Partner Toolkit Portal by using the access link here.

Complete the Mailchimp Partner Toolkit Checklist

Please use the Mailchimp Partner Toolkit Beta checklist to thoroughly test key features like Deal Registration and MDF. Your feedback on any bugs, user experience, and interface improvements is crucial. Remember, all data entered is for testing and will be deleted. Your detailed observations will directly shape the final product.

Let's move forward with understanding deal registration within the Mailchimp Partner Toolkit, please continue to the next module